The first sod is cut as the building of our new school gets under way.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

P5,6 and 7 floors complete.

In the foreground is what will be the main entrance to the school. (You can just see the corner of my office. )To the left are the P5, P6 and P7 classrooms. The playground will be to the rear of the school.


Anonymous said...

I think our new P5 classroom will be cool!

Alex P4

I'm glad we'll have our own cloakroom.

Ellie P4

Anonymous said...

Tidy workmen and the new classrooms look really big can't wait until I will be sitting in the new classroom in P5.

Adam Clarke P4

Anonymous said...

The new P5 classroom looks realy big and fun.

Harry Robinson P4

Anonymous said...

I think our P5 classroom will be fantastic, and I cant wait until it is built.
Lucy Sproule P4C